The Style Invitational Week 862: Make up a team cheer

By The Empress

Saturday, March 27, 2010; C02


Let's go somewhere else Deeetroit!


Loser Ben Aronin wrote the Empress last month, noting that "I've been watching the Olympics and hearing such rousing cheers as 'Let's go, Canada!' I think that they (or we) could do better."


This week: Send us a cheer or fight song for any pro sports team (you can use the team name or the city name) or any national team. (Assume that fans of foreign teams cheer in English.)


Winner gets the Inker, the official Style Invitational trophy. Second place gets a genuine Vancouver 2010 magnet featuring the mascot Sumi the animal spirit, donated by Genuine Vancouver Loser Sylvia Betts, plus a container of Flarp Noise Putty ("Makes Awful Noises! Disgusting! Great Fun!") discourtesy of Loser Dave Prevar of Annapolis.


Other runners-up win their choice of a coveted Style Invitational Loser T-shirt or yearned-for Loser Mug. Honorable Mentions get one of the lusted-after Style Invitational Loser Magnets. First Offenders get a smelly tree-shaped air "freshener" (Fir Stink for their First Ink). One prize per entrant per week. Send your entries by e-mail to or by fax to 202-334-4312. Deadline is Monday, April 12. Put "Week 862" in the subject line of your e-mail, or it risks being ignored as spam. Include your name, postal address and phone number with your entry. Contests are judged on the basis of humor and originality. All entries become the property of The Washington Post. Entries may be edited for taste or content. Results to be published April 24. No purchase required for entry. Employees of The Washington Post, and their immediate relatives, are not eligible for prizes. Pseudonymous entries will be disqualified. The revised title for next week's results is by Larry Yungk; this week's honorable-mentions subhead is by Pam Sweeney.


Report from Week 858, in which we offered a list of very obscure words from the Oxford English Dictionary and asked you to produce fictional definitions for them. The real meanings -- or one meaning per word -- are listed here.


The Winner of the Inker:


Governail (actually a rudder): Pontius Pilate. (Mike Gips, Bethesda)


2. the winner of the book "The World's Worst: A Guide to the Most Disgusting, Hideous, Inept, and Dangerous People, Places, and Things on Earth": Effray: The invisible beam of pure malice emitted by a raised middle finger. (Andrea Kelly, Brookeville)


3 Exossation: Deterioration of the spine that often occurs following a wedding ceremony. (Kyle Hendrickson, Frederick)


4. Exerce: Minimal activity logged as a workout: "As I sat in the tub, I got some exerce by fighting the current as the bathwater drained." (Drew Bennett, West Plains, Mo.)


Lexicontaminations: Honorable mentions


Ebulum: That stuff left on the beach after the tide recedes. (Edmund Conti, Raleigh, N.C.)


Ebulum: A single particle of ebullience. "His last ebulum disintegrated when the pretty woman replied, 'Yes, I'd love to dance -- do you know anyone?' " (Michael Reinemer, Annandale)


Ebulum: Oatmeal that dribbles back out of a baby's mouth. (Michael Anderson, Billings, Mont.)


Echeneis: The spray produced during a sneeze: "His gazpacho-laden echeneis left his date looking like Howdy Doody with the measles." (Roy Ashley, Washington)


Eclegme: Decorative but flavorless sauce dribbled around an restaurant entree. "Carl was unimpressed by the colorful eclegme surrounding his skimpy veal cutlet." (Bruce Rusk, Portland, Maine, a First Offender)


Ecod: What you wrap in the online Post. (Chris Doyle, Ponder, Tex.)


Ecod: Cache of the day. (Mike Gips)


Eglatere: A restaurant's euphemism for an omelet that falls on the floor while being flipped. "The cook wiped off the dirt and droppings and sent the eglatere out to Table 3." (Robert Inlow, Charlottesville)


Eglatere: Special title reserved for the first non-WASP member of a country club. (Jenny Boelter, Boyce, Va., a First Offender)


Eglatere: The French name for Easter Island. (Marie Baumann, Arlington, a First Offender)


Elatcha: An emotion that reporters feel when they gotcha. (Larry Yungk, Arlington)


Emunge: The stuff that collects between the keys of your computer. (Ira Allen, Bethesda)


Endship: A callipygian alliance. When Louie leaned over to toss the Vichy water, Rick noticed that this could be the start of a beautiful endship. (Kevin Dopart, Washington)


Endship: An iceberg. (Lawrence O'Connor, Arlington, a First Offender; Jay Shuck, Minneapolis)


Endship: Bogus camaraderie offered by someone who's dumping you. "We can still have an endship." (Russell Beland, Fairfax)


Exerce: Hang out, but not work out, at the gym. "Patty loved her new exerce clothes." (Bird Waring, Larchmont, N.Y.)


Exossation: The tedium of playing 27 games of tic-tac-toe with your first-grader. (Peter Metrinko, Gainesville; Ken Gallant, Conway, Ark; and both John O'Byrne and John Stephenson of Dublin, who called it Noughts and Crosses)


Festino: A zit that appears on the end of one's nose at 6 p.m. on prom night. (Bob Reichenbach, Middletown, Del.)


Fibutor: The part of a Toyota engine, under the distributor cap, designed to obfuscate any errors in the electronic engine codes. (Peter Metrinko)


Fibutor: Someone who lies about giving at the office. (Christopher Lamora, Arlington)


Fistic: The residue left on your hand after reaching in to unjam your garbage disposal. (Peter Ostrander, Rockville)


Galion: A particularly aggressive cougar. (Brad Alexander, Wanneroo, Australia)


Galion: A little understood, highly charged particle that quickly flips from positive to negative without warning. (Cathy Lamaze, North Potomac)


Gemew: A jewel recovered two days after being swallowed. (Pam Sweeney, St. Paul, Minn.)


Gemew: What the cheerleaders shout at George Mason. (Barry Koch, Catlett, Va.; Craig Dykstra, Centreville)


Governail: A fastener used to hold a politician's feet to the fire. (Stephen Dudzik, Olney)


Hicket: A dense growth of rural necessities: "Surrounded by Bud's Boot & Gun Emporium, A-1 Bail Bonds and a Waffle House, Thad realized too late he had driven straight into a hicket." (Mark Gardiner, Faulkner, Md., just near those motels on Route 301)


Next Week: Can't goods, or Swill in the blanks